Tuesday, July 21, 2009

:: let us all be economic crisis cave bear ::

Now-a-day, breathing, living, sleeping on the land of the free and the home of the brave, you will unmistakable to hear one, which also happens to be the most heated, topic of the decade, the economic turmoil.

I know I do, either having dinner with a lady friend with the most seductive smile or a group of superfluous petrol-heads, the conversation eventually steer toward the crisis of the money market. I doubt even Osama bin Laden can possibly escapes from this with his hiding skill that defeated the world police’s troops and technologies (and I can assure you he has already heard the news and probably laugh about it before he goes to bed, that is if he is still alive).

And why? Why is our chitchat topic becomes so dry all in a sudden? Does the tele stop broadcasting the Bachelor? No, because it is eff-ing REAL!

It was as real as the movie “W” which I was informed to be hilarious because all things were facts and they were just as real as the unemployment letter that everybody had gotten (or will being receiving soon).

In this uncanny time during an uninterrupted 12-hour road trip, my dad and I came to one of the most sensational conclusion for years: what if we hibernate!

You see, as the temperature drops and the food supplies died off, animals had figure out a way to save themselves from the hard work on finding food, they simply lay down, relax, and sleep the whole crisis over. So how come a civilization that can figure out how to overcome gravity and create gadgets that could translate on-and-off electric current into thousand hours of music in ones pocket cannot figure this out?

Economic crisis? Sure! We will all go to bed early today and by the time we wake up again, this whole thing will be blown over.
Well, not that easy isn’t it? When H.G. Wells suggested the human race to hide underground on public radio in 1938, waiting for the Martians invaders to pack their bags and leave, everybody freaked out.

Instead of playing the waiting game, there are actually many little tricks to help improve your chances to be employed via the greatest invention of the 21st century: the Internet and social media.

Sure it might sounds silly, but on the other end of the cyber space, those are real people sitting in front of their computer screen, or silicon-hand grenades, who might be looking for talents to resolve specific issue.

If you know me, I am sure you are aware I am a facebook addict; it is a great piazza for anyone to advertise a personal brand, service, or even products to friends; if you happen to have a web-site, blogs, or other media site (such as youTube), posting updates on f.book also help to gain publicity on your service.

However, f.book might seems like a small circuit when it comes to advertising, and that is why we look into the social-media “big daddy-o”: Twitter.

As you think this blog is derailing, stay with me. From personal experience I can tell you it is one of the most effective ways to put yourself on the local radar screen.

Back in May this year, I was busy finishing up a house expansion/renovation project of mine. I tweeted aggressively because it was the only tool I had to keep my spirit up in the social artic. By the end of May, someone actually contacted me, via Twitter, regarding to a renovation project she had in mind.

While many of you might think Twitter is nothing but a gossip loopy loop, it is actually a powerful tool to let you, or others, to search for professions in your local area. Twitter clients such as TweetDeck for desktop or TwitterFon for iPhone allow use to define a search proximity for recent tweets.

Secondly, understand the power of the “#”; the humble little symbol often use as a tag for keyword for sorting of a similar interest. Topic related to architecture might tag as #arch, or #architecture; Top Gear addict like myself often post comment regarding to the show with #TopGear, or #TG. Use your imagination while search and filter topics are the key to success. You might be surprise how many people yack about the same stuff you have in mind every moment, 24/7.

No? Still not convincing enough? Philip Odegard, a 23-year-old so-call Californian social media expert, was so good with the whole trade he even owned a 1.4 million Bugatti Veyron; to further show the world his expertise in SM (that’s social media, not S&M you filth…), he even drove the damn thing at 210+ mph and caught by donut-eating man.

Sadly, this not only stirred up attention in the social media circle, the news actually caused some enthusiastic petrol head to poke about this automobile amazement. When matters get on the hands of petrol head, we don’t f__k around.

So, it turned out the “King of SM” did not own a 1.4 technological hyper triumph nor did he blazed down the highway at 210 mph; he was, discovered by lawyer and confirmed by California-donut enthusiasts, caught speeding at 100 mph three months ago in a 2004 Infiniti.

On that bombshell, I do have one of those (mine is a 2003, but what’s the difference, the haven’t even change to the aluminum trim for the 2004, yet); and, of course, I tweet. Thus if I drive fast enough, maybe this whole economic crisis will be all over; or simply, I can get to dinner with my lady friend just as stylish as Mr. 23-year-old millionaire-wanna-be.

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